
The geoengineering fallacy

By Barbara Unmüssig. Source: Project Syndicate BERLIN – As the world struggles to rein in emissions of climate-changing gases and limit planetary warming, a new technological silver bullet is gaining supporters. Geoengineering –the large-scale manipulation of the...

Sign-on letter: No to 1.5°C with geoengineering!

Paris, 11 December 2015 Seemingly out of the blue (or rather, out of the black smog of the UNFCCC process), some of the largest historical culprits for climate change, countries including the United States, Canada and the European Union, have decided to back an...

We need regenerative farming, not geoengineering

The quick fix mindset behind geoengineering must be transformed to one that seeks a humble partnership with nature if we are to address climate change by Charles Eisenstein (Guardian) Geoengineering has been back in the news recently after the US National Research...

Plan B? What Happened to Plan A?

Why we shouldn’t fund geoengineering experimentation, and what we still need to learn about the climate by Pat Mooney (ETC Group) The US National Academy of Sciences has released two reports on geoengineering that recommend investments in solar radiation management...

B.C. village’s ocean fertilization experiment probed

Environment Canada investigating after iron-rich dust dumped off coast Fifth Estate (CBC) Environment Canada's enforcement branch has executed search warrants in British Columbia as part of an investigation into a controversial iron-fertilization experiment that took...

Greatest risk of ocean experiment is that it will spawn more

by Dene Moore (Postmedia News) VANCOUVER - A small British Columbia First Nation making waves around the world with a controversial experiment in the Pacific Ocean is on the front lines of climate change, even critics admit. And as the fears of global warming grow,...

Iron Ocean Dump Greatest Risk Is Haida Salmon Boom: Critic

by Dene Moore (Canadian Press) VANCOUVER - A small British Columbia First Nation making waves around the world with a controversial experiment in the Pacific Ocean is on the front lines of climate change, even critics admit. And as the fears of global warming grow,...

Canadian government ‘knew of plans to dump iron into the Pacific’

by Martin Lukacs (Guardian) As controversy mounts over the Guardian's revelations that an American businessman conducted a massive ocean fertilisation test, dumping around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate off Canada's coast, it has emerged the Canadian government may have...

100 tonnes of iron sulphate dumped off Canada’s Pacific coast

(Torstar News Service) The Pacific Ocean, just off Canada’s west coast, has a new suspect ingredient: 100 tonnes of iron sulphate. An American entrepreneur with a controversial past in geoengineering dumped the iron dust into the Pacific near the Haida Gwaii islands...

Environmental controversy erupts on Canada’s Pacific coast

Satellite images show a massive artificial plankton bloom off the Haida Gwaii islands after 100 tonnes of iron sulphate was dumped there. by Raveena Aulakh (Toronto Star) The Pacific Ocean, just off Canada’s west coast, has a new suspect ingredient: 100 tonnes of iron...

U.K. Geoengineering Tests Delayed until Spring

by Sarah Fecht (Scientific American) Controversial tests of geoengineering hardware, initially set to start in October, have been delayed. The British government agency that provides funding to the project issued the delay on September 29, in order “to allow time for...

SPICE put on ice

by Geoffrey Brumfiel (Nature) A British experiment to test technologies that could one day be used to manage the climate has been put on hold, in part due to the objections of environmental groups. The Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (SPICE)...

Say No to the “Trojan Hose”

No SPICE in our skies, say environmental justice groups (ETC Group/Econexus) Over 50 concerned groups from around the world are calling on people to sign an open letter (here) asking the UK Government and Research Councils to scrap the controversial SPICE experiment...

Open letter to IPCC on geoengineering

(ETC Group) The undersigned organizations would like to express our concerns about the upcoming IPCC joint working group expert meeting on geoengineering to be held in Lima, Peru, June 20-22, 2011. Geoengineering, the intentional large-scale manipulation of the...

Ocean fertilization experiment suspended

German science ministry demands environmental assessment before nutrient dumping can begin. by Quirin Schiermeier (Nature) The German science ministry has suspended a planned Indo–German ocean fertilization experiment in the Southern Ocean, and asked the German...

Ocean fertilization experiment draws fire

Indo-German research cruise sets sail despite criticism. by Quirin Schiermeier (Nature) A German research ship laden with 20 tonnes of iron sulphate has whipped up a storm of protest as it sails towards the Antarctic, where it intends to dump its cargo into the ocean....

Convention discourages ocean fertilization

International treaty aims to put rules on geoengineering. by Quirin Schiermeier (Nature) The parties to the London Convention, an international treaty that governs ocean pollution, have agreed that large-scale ocean ‘fertilization’ isn't yet justified, given gaps in...

WWF opposes dumping of urea in Sulu Sea

by Jerome Aning (Inquirer) MANILA, Philippines -- The World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) added its voice Saturday to the growing number of environmental groups opposing the dumping of urea in Sulu Sea. “The potential environmental impact of dumping 500 tons of urea...