
HOME! Alliance Statement on Marine Geoengineering Experiments

We, civil society, Indigenous Peoples and grassroots organizations from around the world, are deeply concerned by the proliferation of open air and water marine geoengineering experiments that are planned or already underway, many of which are selling carbon offsets,...

Recent setbacks for geoengineering and the path forward

By Coraina da la Plaza, Hands Off Mother Earth! (HOME) Alliance coordinator, and Oli Munnion, Geoengineering Monitor editor The impacts of climate change are being felt far and wide all around the globe, and Global South countries are being hit the hardest even though...

Stop Marine Geoengineering Experiments in Cornwall

Rather than reducing emissions to stop the climate crisis, geoengineers are dumping chemicals into the oceanPlanetary Technology, a Canadian company, plans to dump 450 tonnes magnesium hydroxide into the sea in St. Ives Bay, Cornwall UK as part of an ocean alkalinity...

Support Alaska Native Delegation to stop Arctic Ice Project!

A letter from an Alaska Native delegation calls on the California-based Arctic Ice Project to cease all research operations for projects and methods intended for use in the Arctic. The Arctic Ice Project, a solar geoengineering project that aims to modify ice...

Widespread opposition to solar geoengineering halts test flight

The HOME campaign welcomes the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)’s decision to stop the solar geoengineering balloon test flight in response to strong opposition from Saami Council, Swedish Civil Society and researchers. These groups have been clear that the test flight...

Letter to the Swedish Government on Planned SCoPEx Test Flight

February 8, 2021 To:Per Bolund, Minister for Environment and Climate, and Deputy Prime MinisterIbrahim Baylan, Minister for Business, Industry and InnovationMatilda Ernkrans, Minister for Higher Education and Research cc:Stefan Gardefjord, President and CEO of Swedish...

Geoengineering and Decolonization (ETC Podcast)

What kind of system of knowledge considers it a good idea to try to manipulate the whole climate of an entire planet? For Episode #7 and our second of two episodes on geoengineering, ETC Group's Dru Jay spoke to Tom Goldtooth, who is the Executive Director of the...

Hands Off Mother Earth! Manifesto Against Geoengineering

180 civil society organizations and popular movements denounce geoengineering and demand an immediate stop to all open-air experiments. If your organization would like to join the fight against geoengineering and endorse the HOME Manifesto, please send an email...