Carbon Capture and Storage

Marine Geoengineering, CC(U)S hubs, and Synfuels: Quarterly Update

by Anja Chalmin Marine geoengineering: further offshore trials announced The coastal waters off Callao, in the Humboldt Current of the coast of Peru, were the scene of upwelling trials from February to April, performed by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research...

Can Captured Carbon be Put to Use?

Overall, it can be said that the potential for CO2 as a feedstock for industrial processes compared to the global CO2 emissions is minuscule.

“Carbon Capture” Is No Magical Climate Cure

We need a radical change in the way we produce energy. But decision makers are being seduced by ‘fixes’ promoted by the fossil fuel industry in an attempt to keep us locked into their failed model.

Deceptive California Climate Bill Pushes Geoengineering

California state legislators have explicitly promotes a climate policy framework vision that celebrates and advances morally hazardous and environmentally dangerous geoengineering technologies for “carbon dioxide removal” (CDR) and “negative emissions.”

Direct Air Capture: Recent developments and future plans

by Anja Chalmin In the early 1990s, the European Space Agency launched a technology to extend space missions by filtering exhaled CO2 out of the air on board of shuttles and space stations. During the past two decades, the technology - known as Direct...

Distractors and Disruptors: Collision or Convergence?

Silicon Valley and Big Oil are heading in the same direction for different reasons: geoengineering as a climate technofix by Dru Jay The global response to the climate crisis is increasingly dominated by two forces – we’ll call them the disruptors and the distractors...

Land-based geoengineering: a technofix for the climate? (Video)

Large-scale technological interventions to “fix” the climate crisis are moving up on the political agenda. Some climate scientists are now proposing geoengineering interventions on land to halt global warming - most prominently BECCS (Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture...

The Big Bad Fix

ETC Group, BiofuelWatch and Heinrich Boell Foundation present a comprehensive argument against geoengineering in this report. Click here to download the full report (pdf) As a rapidly warming world manifests heat waves, floods, droughts and hurricanes, geoengineering...

Pioneering coal plant with CCS isn’t viable, admits CEO

A new report by Greenpeace Energy Desk reveals that one of the US’s premier coal with carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration plants, the Kemper County Energy Facility, is not economically viable. The project, located in Kemper County, Mississippi, received...

Pulling carbon out of the air: NETS, BECCS, and CDR

Geoengineering Monitor has long reported on the speculative concept of “negative emissions”, together with certain favored approaches such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) - a geoengineering technique which recent studies show would have...

Climate Change Policy and The Super-Hero Syndrome

by Roger Boyd (Resilience) There is a genre of Hollywood “feel-good” disaster movie, where everything seems nearly hopeless until the end, and then suddenly, many times against all hope, the super-hero (or super-heroes) saves the day. Whether it be human heroes that...

Radical Realism About Climate Change

by Lili Fuhr (Project Syndicate) BERLIN – Mainstream politics, by definition, is ill equipped to imagine fundamental change. But last December in Paris, 196 governments agreed on the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels – an objective that...

The dubious promise of bioenergy plus carbon capture

by Richard Martin (MIT Technology Review) Climate change agreements rest on negative emissions technologies that may be unachievable. While many scientists and climate change activists hailed December’s Paris agreement as a historic step forward for international...

Sign-on letter: No to 1.5°C with geoengineering!

Paris, 11 December 2015 Seemingly out of the blue (or rather, out of the black smog of the UNFCCC process), some of the largest historical culprits for climate change, countries including the United States, Canada and the European Union, have decided to back an...