The California State government is looking to distance itself from a controversial solar geoengineering project after pressure from civil society and movement groups around the world. Last July, the California Strategic Growth Council – a part of the California...
Geoengineering Technologies
Geoengineering Threatens Oceans
High-risk geoengineering projects are proceeding in violation of UN moratoria MONTREAL, SYDNEY, UTQIAGVIK, SANTIAGO—On World Oceans Day, members of a global coalition formed by 195 organizations on 45 countries are raising the alarm about the threat of geoengineering...
#OurNatureIsNotYourSolution: resisting geoengineering and other false solutions on International Day for Biological Diversity
by Coraina de la Plaza, GFC, SpainMay 22nd is International Day for Biological Diversity, and the theme chosen by the United Nations this year is “Our solutions are in nature”. This is a clear reference to Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) as a strategy for mitigating...
Geoengineers test risky planetary engineering scheme in Australia
Experiment defies 193-country UN moratorium Originally posted by ETC Group In a shocking move, a small group of Australian geoengineers have defied an international moratorium on the deployment of geoengineering technologies. To accomplish this, the project...
“Carbon Capture” Is No Magical Climate Cure
We need a radical change in the way we produce energy. But decision makers are being seduced by ‘fixes’ promoted by the fossil fuel industry in an attempt to keep us locked into their failed model.
New Government Financing for Geoengineering (April update)
Solar geoengineering, upwelling, carbon capture and other projects receive funding in 2020
Deceptive California Climate Bill Pushes Geoengineering
California state legislators have explicitly promotes a climate policy framework vision that celebrates and advances morally hazardous and environmentally dangerous geoengineering technologies for “carbon dioxide removal” (CDR) and “negative emissions.”
Carbon capture is the fossil fuel giants’ plan to keep extracting
Attempting to remove CO2 from the atmosphere would block a real the climate transition
What we have learned about Biochar since 2011?
By Biofuelwatch In 2011 Biofuelwatch published Biochar: A Critical Review of Science and Policy. In that report we highlighted the uncertainties about biochar including the large land area that would be required to supply biomass for a global scale impact, the...
Current Geoengineering proposals for the polar regions
In the face of fossil fuel use that is likely to burn through carbon budgets, geoengineers have put forward large-scale proposals with the stated aim of restoring polar-ice or to slow the melting processes through interventions in the polar regions.
The False Premise of Desperate Measures
by Gabriel Levy A response to After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair, and Restoration by Holly Jean Buck (London: Verso Books, 2019). This post was originally published on the blog People and Nature. We need to talk about geoengineering. Badly. To do...
Artificial Upwelling: current efforts and anticipated impacts of intermingling the ocean
by Anja Chalmin The US-based Climate Foundation revealed plans to intermingle ocean water layers in Australian and Philippine coastal waters with the aim of sequestering atmospheric carbon as well as stimulating the growth of phytoplankton and macroalgae,...
Open Letter to SCoPEx Advisory Committee
Dear Members of the SCoPEx Advisory Board:
We are writing because you have recently joined the Advisory Committee for SCoPEx, a project that aims to advance a solar geoengineering technology.
Rotterdam’s Carbon Capture, India’s Cloud Seeding and other updates: August 2019
Delayed and expanding projects, new initiatives and revivals by Anja Chalmin Revived Geoengineering Projects The Port of Rotterdam announced the start of Porthos, a joint project with EBN and Gasunie. Porthos stands for “Port Of Rotterdam CO₂ Transport...
A Geoengineering Trojan Horse
For fossil-fuel companies, the promise of geoengineering is the ideal excuse to continue with business as usual. Rather than allow the industry to continue to act in its own interest, the world must establish a strong, democratic regulatory mechanism, which includes the option to ban certain technologies outright.
Policymakers Shouldn’t Trust Drax’s Bizarre Tree-Burning Climate Solution
If there were a prize for the most bizarre climate mitigation idea, power company Drax Plc’s latest “green innovation” project would be a strong candidate.
Direct Air Capture: Recent developments and future plans
by Anja Chalmin In the early 1990s, the European Space Agency launched a technology to extend space missions by filtering exhaled CO2 out of the air on board of shuttles and space stations. During the past two decades, the technology - known as Direct...
Ice on Fire makes dangerous concessions to techno-fix fantasies
By promoting high-risk technologies as “solutions”, DiCaprio’s new film contributes to derailing serious climate efforts
Geoengineering Developments: Carbon Capture, Venture Capital and Would-be Megaprojects
A great variety of climate geoengineering projects have been driven forward throughout the past months, while questions remain about their side effects and long-term impacts.
Critics of “Fuel to the Fire” Fall Short on Evidence
The following blog was originally post to the CIEL web site as "We Do Not Need Geoengineering to Solve (or Exacerbate) the Climate Crisis". by Carroll Muffett On February 13, the Center for International Environmental Law launched a major new report examining the...
Arctic Geoengineering experiment is dangerous, lacks community consent: Inupiaq organizer
An Arctic Indigenous organizer says that when it comes to the geoengineering project Ice 911, local community members have little to no knowledge of the experiments taking place on their lands. Community members say they have not consented, and have concerns about the...
Solar Radiation Management: Regional Briefings, Asia, Africa, Latin America
These briefings explore the potential consequences of using Solar Radiation Management (SRM) – a form of geoengineering being considered by some governments to address climate change. SRM is a set of technologies designed to reduce sunlight and lower temperatures....
Distractors and Disruptors: Collision or Convergence?
Silicon Valley and Big Oil are heading in the same direction for different reasons: geoengineering as a climate technofix by Dru Jay The global response to the climate crisis is increasingly dominated by two forces – we’ll call them the disruptors and the distractors...
Against Geoengineering
by Silvia Ribeiro (This article originally appeared in Jacobin Magazine and on the Science for the People website.) According to the most recent IPCC report, we have only twelve years to drastically reduce emissions if we’re to keep the Earth’s temperature rise from...