
Climate Justice Law Session: Geoengineering and the climate crisis Environmental and human rights risks posed by geoengineering and potential litigation opportunities Speakers: - Kate Cook, Matrix Chambers - Carroll Muffett, CIEL - Åsa Larsson Blind, Saami Council Facilitator: Gita Parihar,...

New website:

Introducing a new website from the Stop SCoPEx Network Sweden. The website shares resources from the campaign along with the video of the Stop SCoPEx event along with interviews and videos of events about the risks of solar geoengineering. Visit The...

Current Geoengineering Attempts Briefing: SCoPEx 2021

Download PDF version: Sweden_SCoPEx_Briefing Location: Esrange Space Centre, Kiruna, Sweden Researchers in charge: Frank Keutsch (Principal Investigator),  David Keith (Mission Scientist), based at Harvard University. Objectives The project stated objectives are:...

Geoengineering and Decolonization (ETC Podcast)

What kind of system of knowledge considers it a good idea to try to manipulate the whole climate of an entire planet? For Episode #7 and our second of two episodes on geoengineering, ETC Group's Dru Jay spoke to Tom Goldtooth, who is the Executive Director of the...

Geoengineering in the Global South (ETC Podcast)

Episode #6 of the ETC Podcast is a conversation with ETC Group's Latin America Director, Silvia Ribeiro, about geoengineering and the Global South. Silvia has been working on geoengineering issues for 13 years, ad was at the UN negotiations that passed the global...

Hidden Injustices: Interview with Dr. Jennie Stephens

You argue that current solar geoengineering research initiatives “serve to reinforce existing systems that concentrate wealth and power and perpetuate global inequities and injustices.” How do they do that?

California’s Flirtation with Geoengineering Raises Questions

by Gary Graham Hughes (originally posted on Biofuelwatch) A mysterious bill regarding the development of a protocol for measuring “radiative forcing” as a climate action indicator stalled out in the California Senate last year. While legislative staff for the author...

Leaked documents reveal ISO’s geoengineering plans

In early August, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported that the ISO, a corporate-driven standards organization, was moving forward with a new standard that could undermine existing climate standards, which included mentions of geoengineering. At the time, we asked who...

The UN must take on geoengineering governance

Statement by Center for International Environmental Law, ETC Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation Geoengineering is an ineffective and irresponsible approach to the challenges posed by climate change. Its risks and potential impacts are global and extend far beyond the...

Distractors and Disruptors: Collision or Convergence?

Silicon Valley and Big Oil are heading in the same direction for different reasons: geoengineering as a climate technofix by Dru Jay The global response to the climate crisis is increasingly dominated by two forces – we’ll call them the disruptors and the distractors...

IPCC, geoengineering and pathways out of climate chaos

by Silvia Ribeiro "Limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial is feasible. And it is our best hope of achieving environmental and social justice, of containing the impacts of a global crisis that was born out of historical injustice and highly unequal...

IPCC’s 1.5˚ report tough on overshoot, critical of geoengineering

by Linda Schneider (This article was originally posted on the Heinrich Boell Foundation website.) On October 8, 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) launched its Special Report on global warming at 1.5 above pre-industrial (SR1.5) The landmark...

Hands Off Mother Earth! Manifesto Against Geoengineering

180 civil society organizations and popular movements denounce geoengineering and demand an immediate stop to all open-air experiments. If your organization would like to join the fight against geoengineering and endorse the HOME Manifesto, please send an email...

Pirates of the Pacific

by Silvia Ribeiro The pirates of marine geoengineering are not giving up easily. Although there is a UN moratorium on ocean fertilisation, the company Oceaneos wants to experiment with this risky technology in Chile and Peru, despite not having permission from the...

Geoengineering and the UNFCCC process: Spring 2018 update

In 2018, pressure is rising for geoengineering to formally enter the UNFCCC negotiation process in some way or another. It has in recent years been a hot topic in the UNFCCC corridors, but it’s unclear if and how it will land in the official negotiation process. What...