The Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME) Alliance

Bringing together civil society groups and Indigenous Peoples’ Organisations from around the globe, the Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME) Alliance is a driving force in the fight against the growing threat of the large-scale technological manipulation of the climate. You can view the Alliance’s website, read the HOME Manifesto, contact the Alliance’s coordinator by email and follow the HOME Alliance on X and Linkedin.
News related to the HOME Alliance
City of Alameda puts a stop to the University of Washington’s Marine Cloud Brightening experiment
Guest article by California residents Gary Hughes, Biofuelwatch/Geoengineering Monitor, and Eesha Rangani, HOME! Alliance Marine Geoengineering Working Group coordinator In the early hours of this morning, City of Alameda City Council members voted unanimously to call...
Carbon markets, geoengineering and other false solutions: What’s at stake at the current climate talks?
Guest article by Tamra Gilbertson, Indigenous Environmental Network, and Coraina de la Plaza, Hands Off Mother Earth Alliance As global temperature records continue to be broken at unprecedented rates, delegates are gathering again in Bonn, Germany, for the 60th...
HOME! Alliance at SB60: Making a stand against geoengineering, carbon markets and other false solutions
There's much at stake at this year's session of the Subsidiary Bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC SB60), which is taking place 3-13 June in Bonn, Germany. The Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME!) Alliance delegation brings together a...