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Why Geoengineering is “Untested and Untestable”

by Naomi Klein (This Changes Everything) Nature has a new opinion piece up that signals a bold new push for field experiments into techo hacking the climate system, usually known as “geoengineering.” Right now there are all kinds of geoengineering experiments going on...

Strange Bedfellows? Climate Change Denial and Support for Geoengineering

by David Appell (Yale Climate Connections) These days, an article headlined “Geo-Engineering Seen as a Practical, Cost-Effective Global Warming Strategy” would hardly be surprising. But what is surprising is that the headline came from a group denying global warming...

Climate Crisis: Radical Action or a New Battlefront in the War on Nature?

Arctic Methane Emergency Group (AMEG) warns of catastrophic release of methane from permafrost, peat and the thawing Arctic leading to unstoppable runaway warming. Scary, but does it warrant deployment of highly risky geoengineering technologies that are likely to only make matters worse?

Latest from the HOME! Alliance

Greetings from Ruth Nyambura, HOME Campaign Coordinator

A greeting from Ruth Nyambura, who joined the Hands Off Mother Earth Campaign as coordinator this summer. Ruth is a feminist political ecologist whose recent work has focused on the food movement and the history of the women’s movement. She is a member of the African...