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Quarterly Review – April 2021

by Anja Chalmin Large-scale weather modification programs in China and trialling new technologies in the UAE Weather modification programs could cover 60 % of China’s landmass by 2025 The Chinese government continues to implement its large-scale weather...

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What we have learned about Biochar since 2011?

By Biofuelwatch In 2011 Biofuelwatch published Biochar: A Critical Review of Science and Policy. In that report we highlighted the uncertainties about biochar including the large land area that would be required to supply biomass for a global scale impact, the...

Geoengineering in 2019: a recap

In the last year, geoengineering proponents have been normalizing this technofix at an alarmingly rapid pace. An emboldened geo-clique has attempted to rebrand geoengineering as "climate restoration" or "climate repair" as part of a larger push. In February, we...

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