Organizations call for a rejection of false solutions in light of the IPCC report

August 12, 2021

Acknowledging the gravity of the IPCC report, global organizations and some based in the United States are calling on governments to reject false solutions to the climate crisis and invest in strategies that will rapidly reduce emissions.

Climate Justice Alliance Calls on the White House and Congress To Follow the Lead of Frontline Communities by Keeping Fossil Fuels in the Ground, Making the Necessary Investments to Combat the Climate Crisis, and Rejecting False Solutions
Read more from Climate Justice Alliance and Indigenous Environmental Network.

IPCC Report is Reality Check; But False Solutions Must be Rejected

Anne Petermann, Executive Director, GJEP, writes “Emphasis on ‘net zero’ in the report undermines the entire point the IPCC appears to be trying to make.  Net Zero, which relies heavily on offsets, is a false solution aimed at prolonging business as usual and avoiding the real, transformative action we must collectively take.”

Read more from the Global Justice Ecology Project





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