A great variety of climate geoengineering projects have been driven forward throughout the past months, while questions remain about their side effects and long-term impacts. In what follows, we highlight some recent or ongoing climate geoengineering activities....
Boundary Dam
COP21’s climate technofix: spinning carbon into gold and the myth of ‘negative emissions’
by Rachel Smolker, The Ecologist Paris has been awash with hype about 'CO2 recycling' and 'carbon neutral' or even 'carbon negative' technologies based on burning millions of trees, writes Rachel Smolker. But the alchemical notion that waste carbon can be spun into...
New Report: Last ditch climate option or wishful thinking? Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage
Biofuelwatch has released a new comprehensive report about Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). Full report Executive Summary (Full references for the report) BECCS is being proposed as a way of removing billions of tonnes of carbon every year from...